
Working with Steve


(US dollars)

Steve Neal Performance offers elite-level services for everyone.


INSCYD Power Performance Decoder and Metabolic Efficiency Testing. Comprehensive heart-rate, power, respiration and energy expenditure efficiency profile testing. Includes a 1 hour consultation to go over the results. Learn more.

Moxy Monitor or Lactate Testing - $125 per hour

BIKE FITTING | Starting at $300

A properly fit bicycle is a critical component of performance cycling. Problems with comfort and power delivery can be resolved with an improved position on the bike. Learn more.


Steve Neal Performance offers elite-level coaching services to any athlete who is ready to commit to making themselves better. Learn more.

TECH SKILLS & PRE-RIDING | $125/hr (2 hour minimum)

Being fast is much more than simply being strong. Bike handling and course reading are also skills that must be trained and developed. Work face-to-face with Steve at the race course or on the trail. Learn more.